Black bear cooling off in the crisp Merced River.
About 30 years ago, the mother of a third-grade boy brought a writing project to his class. She had found a book that listed addresses (mostly of agents) of famous people, and helped the kids choose different stars and write letters to them. They began their letters by introducing themselves and explaining that the class was conducting an experiment to see how many celebrities would answer their letters.
Then they asked the people they wrote to one, two or three questions before closing their letters genially and signing them.
Among the celebrities the children chose to write to were Steven Spielberg, Liz Claiborne, Bozo the Clown, Prince Edward of England and Charles Schultz (creator of Snoopy). The boy who wrote to Prince Edward asked him to send him some rubies. The prince wrote back but didn’t send the gems. The first person to respond was cartoonist and philosopher Charles Schultz. A classy guy. He even drew a picture of Snoopy on his letter, which the recipient, now in his late 30’s, probably still has.

Privately tour Yosemite with those you care about, before it’s too late.
One of Snoopy’s many pearls of wisdom over the years applies to the tour business: “In life, it’s not where you go. It’s who you travel with.” We highly recommend you book that next exciting tour with your life partner, other relatives or friends. If that’s not possible, don’t worry. Many who travel alone on our tours to Yosemite, San Francisco, down the Pacific Coast Highway or elsewhere bond with fellow travelers and wind up with lifelong friends. There’s nothing that brings people together more than viewing awesome sights and having fun before a spectacular backdrop.
Charles Schultz passed away in 2000, but Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Patty, Linus, Pig-Pen and his other memorable characters live on. Let us leave you with another Snoopy observation: “We only die once. We live every day.” Don’t forget to live.