With the right equipment and teammates (us), senior travelers can experience the real Yosemite with ease.
You’ve lived a long life, and now you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You’ve decided it’s time to cross one more thing off your bucket list by touring Yosemite National Park. You can go on your own, and if you’re a descendant of Kit Carson or Daniel Boone, that might be a viable option. Otherwise, you’ll probably reserve a tour. Now the question is: Should you book a public or a private Yosemite tour?
You probably easily can picture a public tour in your mind. Riding in a giant, reasonably comfortable bus with dozens of strangers, you listen as a tour guide with a microphone points out the notable landmarks and sights, maybe even adding some background information and answering questions. Perhaps you picture a character like Chevy Chase leading the tour. It’s a challenge to please 50 or 60 people at once, which means the public tour guides need to find a common denominator that causes the fewest waves.
Now imagine a private luxury tour of Yosemite National Park in a top-end Mercedes GL 450 with your significant other or close friends—3 or 4 people maximum—or the whole extended family or workforce in a luxury bus. The point is, it’s your people, not a group of strangers with whom you’re supposed to immediately bond. Your private tour guide doesn’t present a memorized speech. Instead, he/she possesses an in-depth knowledge of the history, wildlife, vegetation, regulations and other information that bring Yosemite to life, and interacts with you personally.

El Capitan, the largest granite monolith in the world, clocks in at almost one mile in height.
Don’t plan on touring on your schedule if you go public. On a private tour, you can decide to take off your shoes and socks and soak your feet in a creek for an hour if you wish. You can hike 10 miles or never get out of the car. You can build a campfire in a designated area and eat delicious camp food to your heart’s desire. Or dine at the luxurious Ahwahnee Hotel.
We customize our private Yosemite tours to fit your needs and desires. Our goal is to share the awesome national park we treasure so you’ll treasure it, too.