What’s your idea of fun in Yosemite National Park?
Do you know how to enjoy yourself? What’s your idea of having fun? Is it playing a game, attending a concert, building a model car, shopping, counting your money? In most of the centuries before us, people were so busy trying to survive, they had very little time to have fun. It was all about building homes from scratch, growing and harvesting crops, churning butter, weaving, making clothes, hunting for game.
Some argue that we have too much leisure time now. It’s made us lackadaisical, more sedentary, less energetic, heavier. Add numerous conveniences: Rather than walk or saddle a horse and ride off, we can jump in the car and drive a hundred miles before the horse has made it to the neighbor’s farm. We can grab a cold beer from the fridge instead of hightailing it down to the tavern. And let’s not even talk about the outhouse.
And what a convenience computers, tablets and smartphones have been. We can contact friends and business associates, pay bills, check on the weather, play a game, use a calculator, keep notes, even read a book with the tap of a finger. And yet one wonders what our ancestors would think about our digital conveniences. Would they think we have lost our minds, staying inside with machines when we could be outside enjoying God’s green earth?

Oh, deer!
We know the outdoors. Why not give our idea of having fun a try? Leave the gadgets behind and experience three or four days in the forest primeval. It can be life-changing in a way that texting or checking your email will never be. The experience of breathing in the essence of a wilderness trail and gazing at stars that look as close as you’ve ever seen them while listening to the crackling of a toasty campfire recharges the spirit and soothes the soul.
Give us a call. Let’s have some fun.